A stick figure with a thought bubble. An Eco Terminator Moth Trap and a question mark in the bubble.

The Moth Trap: Quick Guide

1. Buy Yourself an Eco Terminator Moth Trap

A drawing of a computer surfing on Eco Terminator's website.

2. Wait for Your Trap With Excitement

A stick figure with a thought bubble. An Eco Terminator Moth Trap in the bubble.

3. Open Your Package and Admire Your New Trap

A stick figure with heart eyes admiring an Eco Terminator Moth Trap.

4. Hang the Trap in Your Wardrobe or Where You Store Clothes

A stick figure hanging an Eco Terminator Moth Trap in a wardrobe.

5. The Trap Is Now Active and Will Attract the Moths

A drawn photo of moths thinking about entering an Eco Terminator Moth Trap.


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